Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers 
The altar servers assist the priest at Mass. Students in third through twelfth grade who have received their First Communion, are eligible and training is provided.  Altar Servers are asked to arrive 15 minutes before Mass. (Altar Server Manual)

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) 
The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion distribute Holy Communion and wash the vessels used during Mass. Those interested in being an EMHC need to be confirmed in the Catholic Church. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are asked to arrive 15 minutes before Mass.  (EMHC Manual)

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick & Homebound
Extraordinary Ministers bring Holy Communion and the prayers of the parish to parishioners who cannot attend Mass. They visit and pray with those who are in nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, hospitals, the homebound, and those in need. Special training is given for this ministry. (EMHC Manual)

Lectors proclaim the Word of God from the Old and New Testament during Mass and other liturgical services. Training and materials are provided. Lectors are asked to arrive 15 minutes before Mass. (Lector Manual)

Ushers and Greeters
This ministry is one of hospitality. Ushers & Greeters welcome the community as members gather for liturgical celebrations and assist people in the church. They also take up the collection and distribute bulletins after Mass. Ushers & Greeters are asked to arrive 30 minutes before Mass. (Porter Manual)

Sacristans prepare and oversee the articles and elements required for the Liturgy. They know the meaning and purpose of the liturgy as well as the needs of the priest and other liturgical ministers. Some examples of the duties that are performed by the sacristan for the celebration of Mass include: preparing the altar with sacred vessels and linens, setting out vestments for clergy, setting liturgical books, and overseeing the Liturgy. Sacristans are asked to arrive 1 hour before weekend Mass or 30 minutes before Daily Masses. Special training is provided by the parish. 

Arimathean Funeral Ministry
In honor of St. Joseph of Arimathea’s dedication to our Lord after his crucifixion, the Arimathean Ministry’s focus is on the celebrations of funerals. Ministers needed include sacristans, lectors, cantors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, and ushers for the funeral liturgy. Also included are volunteers who plan and prepare food for the funeral receptions. Needs are based on requests by the bereaved family. 

St. Dorothy Flower Guild 
The flower guild enhances the beauty of our church with its weekly flower arrangements and continual upkeep of flowers and plants in the church and Social Hall. The guild also decorates the church for sacred Holy Days and special occasions. Donations for flowers for special occasions are accepted by the office. 

St. Martha’s Circle
St. Martha’s Circle assists in washing and ironing altar linens. They also help in raising funds to acquire new altar linens and other needs for the Sanctuary. They meet once every other month for lunch and to assess the needs of the Sanctuary.  

Zaragozan Wine Ministry 
St. Vincent of Zaragoza is the patron saint of wine makers; therefore, the parish asks for donations of wine appropriate for the celebration of Mass. Special collection dates are announced throughout the year. 

Ministry Scheduler Pro
Access the Current Ministries Schedule here.

For all liturgical ministries, please contact Michael at